Simulation Exercises
APER can provide a range of simulation exercises to test contingency planning systems and ensure readiness in the event of an oiled wildlife incident.
Simulation Exercises are an essential part of pre-incident preparation providing the opportunity to refine contingency planning mechanisms and response processes as well as giving near real event practice and learning opportunities.
APER’s staff have delivered simulated exercises specific to oiled wildlife response to:
- Department of Conservation – Western Australia
- Tasmanian Government, Australia
- Wildlife care groups and NGOs – New South Wales, Tasmania & Western Australia
- Massey University, New Zealand
- International Fund for Animal Welfare, Cape Cod, USA
Exercise Types
There are three types of simulation exercises APER offers that are used as a standard for incident response contingency testing. They include:
- Notification Exercises
- Desktop Exercises
- Field Deployment Exercises
Notification exercises
Notification exercises are the simplest form of exercises and typically involve a brief scenario that is faxed, emailed or phoned in to a central or regional office. Notification exercises are about testing communication systems and any associated activation models.
Desktop exercises
Desktop exercises are a planning type exercise with no deployment of personnel or response equipment to the field. Generally a scenario is posed to a planning group who have the task of developing incident action plans. This exercise type tests the effectiveness of existing supporting contingency plans and the planning capability of the incident wildlife planning team members.
Field Deployment exercises
Field deployment exercises are the most complicated of the three exercise types. They include aspects of notification considerations; plan exercising; mobilization and testing of equipment and personnel. They involve the dispatch of personnel and equipment to the field as directed by the exercise developed incident action plans.